After eight years of faithful service our old website has been put out to pasture.
As Cornerstone Church we owe an incredible debt of gratitude to Brandon Nickerson for his generosity and graciousness with our old site. You may not know this but Brandon created, built, maintained and provided technical support, at no charge(!!!) for the past eight years with our website. It was tremendous blessing to us as a church.
But now the time has come for us to have a new identity on the internet.
The changes that we are making in our leadership structure and needs that we will have on the website have lead us to make a wholesale change in the way we need to handle our website. To this end we present... THIS. This website that you are on.
This new website provides lots of opportunities for new an exciting things to happen on our website and we are very excited about the potential that this website provides us moving forward. It may take some time for you to familiarize yourself with the lay out and format of our new site but in end it will all be worth it.
The format of our website will allow us to customize your experience based on the campus that you would like information on, rather than having everything jumbled together we can keep it neat and orderly.
On our events page you can see everything that is happening on a weekly basis, all the special events and if you click on the tab you can also see a calender view with everything on it.
Our sermons page is easier to use and will allow us to have our sermons uploaded faster and directly to our podcast available on iTunes! It will also allow us to move to video in our sermons easily as well.
We hope you enjoy the new page. If you have any questions about the site don't hesitate to ask!